Monday, March 30, 2009


Contests are a great way to "play" with your writing. You can try new genres, stretch your imagaination and just have fun. Sometimes you can even win a couple bucks. So, give these a try.

First, a contest sponsored by The Writer magazine. This one has a $10 entry fee but first prize is $1,000 and publication.

Deadly Ink also has a contest. No entry fee but the "deadly incident" must take place in New Jersey.

Golden Visions Magazine has a nifty contest too. They are a speculative fiction publisher but as long as your story has a spec. fic. nature, it can be mystery or even horror. Be sure to read the guidelines as there is a theme to this one. And, while you're there, read my story Prey, and give it a vote if you enjoy it. Thanks!

The Verb has a quarterly prompt based contest. I really like this one:-)

Again, be sure to read the guidelines.

One of the blogs I read on a regular basis is Hey, There's a Dead Guy in the Living Room. I heartily recommend you check it out. One of the regular contributors is Jeff Cohen. I stole his YouTube video and posted it here for your enjoyment.


I've given in and started twittering. If you'd like to keep up with what's happening on the blog and such, the please follow me. There's a link on the right side of the blog...somewhere up close to the top. I promise not to bore you with what I had for lunch or how I'm having a bad hair day. In fact, to avoid boring my followeres, I'm tweeting writing and motivational quotes.

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