Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mysteries in the Making "Office"

Happy April and spring.

As a way to help other mystery writers get their stories written, critiqued and out for the rest of the world to read, I've started a private mystery group over at Zoetrope.

You have to join the Zoetrope website, which is easy. Then go to the menu on the left of the page and click on Private Offices. That will give you a list of the 200 most active "offices" on the site.

Scroll down and look for Mysteries in the Making. Or, use the search function. Then you can request an invite. I'll be more than happy to have you join us there.

Here's a couple benefits.

The group is private. We can post our work there, get critiques and comments and not have to worry about losing our rights.

It's a great place to fellowship and socialize with other mystery writers. So, let your friends know about it.

It'll be a great place to share mystery markets or mystery focused contests.

So, stop on over, join and take part. Introduce yourself and let us know what you like to write.


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